Adult Children Of Alcoholics Quiz Results – Level 1

It’s Time to Get Proactive

You’re handling things very well. Keep an eye on yourself to make sure you don’t fall into potential trouble such as struggles with maintaining interpersonal relationships, codependency, authority figures, poor communication, emotional regulation, impulse or dangerous behaviors, anxiety and hypervigilance, fears of abandonment, conflict avoidance or fears of conflict, constantly seeking approval, or poor self-esteem, self-image, or constantly feeling different. Whether it seems like a big deal or not, these items contribute to your overall health and your life satisfaction.

While you may not have the highest score possible, a couple of sessions with a professional would be a great way to proactively create change, growth, and positivity in your life. Remember, you don’t have to be in a state of crisis to reach out to someone for help. Sometimes it’s not the profound things, but just being able to have an outside perspective to find ways that still fit who you are personally and can be incorporated naturally can have profound change. It can be less of what to change and more of how to change, that leaves us in the same feeling of being “stuck”. Speaking with a professional can help add the right tools to your tool box that allow you to approach life differently and feel better equipped to face daily challenges.

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Our parents have an impact on our behavior in ways that we may not even realize. When a parent is an alcoholic, the impact on their children can have consequences that follow them into adulthood. Some adults may not even see the impact it has had in their life. When you have grown up in an environment raised by caregivers who struggled with alcoholism, you can develop a set of coping skills in order to survive. These skills directly contribute to your sense of survival and serve a purpose at the time, but when that time has passed, how do you get away from that normal? Staying in that sense of survival from childhood can translate into relationship issues and mental health concerns in adulthood.

As mental health professionals right here in Northeast Louisiana, we are recognizing a need for mental health support like never before. We are all so used to living with a need of survival and feelings of helplessness that we have made our normal lifestyle. Finding Solace Counseling has created a space to help you bring a new normal to your life where you don’t have to feel like you are in a constant state of survival. If you were struggling with your physical health, you would not (or at least should not) wait to seek help from a professional. There is no reason for your mental health to be any different. Whether it is a sore throat or body aches, a depressed mood, or feeling anxious, there are professionals there to help.

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